Where are We Now and Where are We Going?
In this round table discussion, facilitated by Alex Glass from ArtsBuild Ontario (ABO) and Kim Fullerton of Akimbo Art Promotions and Access Visual Art, our aim will be to foster conversation among participants to explore how accessibility and inclusion are addressed in Waterloo Region’s creative spaces.
The session will begin with a presentation from Alex Glass and Kim Fullerton on what it means to go beyond compliance toward a greater inclusivity, a review of accessibility projects completed by creative spaces and on funding opportunities. Then the session will move into a group discussion around the following questions:
- What are the knowledge gaps we experience around accessibility and inclusivity?
- What have been your successes and challenges in complying with the AODA?
- What projects and programs have you implemented to make your space more accessible and inclusive?
- What are our next steps in the local arts sector to make our spaces more accessible and inclusive? What do we call on as resources and ideas?
The goal of this discussion will be for participants to learn from one another and see how creative spaces in Waterloo Region can collectively continue to make their spaces and programs accessible to all. ABO will capture resources (such as toolkits and examples) and ideas shared throughout the discussion to disseminate to participants following the session.
Cost | FREE!
Date | November 13, 2018
Time | 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST
Location | Visitor & Heritage Information Centre
We would like to thank the City of Waterloo, City of Kitchener, City of Cambridge and Region of Waterloo for supporting this event.