With support from Canadian Heritage and Ontario Trillium Foundation, ArtsBuild Ontario brought to Canada an online creative space finding tool; SpaceFinder. With partners across Canada, we helped artists locate space and helped organizations promote their spaces to users. This program has now come to an end as the owner of SpaceFinder, Fractured Atlas, ceased support of this online tool and shutdown all SpaceFinder instances on October 1, 2020. ArtsBuild Ontario is actively seeking an alternative solution. We thank all of our partners over the past several years that made this program a success.
Helping artists and venues find each other

Past SpaceFinders
SpaceFinder Alberta
SpaceFinder BC
SpaceFinder Hamilton
SpaceFinder Manitoba
SpaceFinder Mississauga
SpaceFinder Ottawa
SpaceFinder Simcoe County
SpaceFinder Sudbury
SpaceFinder Toronto
SpaceFinder Waterloo Region
SpaceFinder York Region