ArtsBuild Ontario is dedicated to capturing the needs and plans of our arts facilities across the province and using this information to improve our facilities.
We have spent the past year collecting important facility related data and housing it in our database Bricks&Mortar. This system allows for the constant updating of your information so that it remains current.
As of June 2015, we have collected information from 302 organizations province-wide which includes the needs and plans of 640 facilities across all disciplines.
Culture Strategy
As all of you know the sector has been asked to participate in the Culture Talks that are occurring, so that the Province of Ontario can develop their first Culture Strategy in 2016.
Last week ArtsBuild meet with Assistant Deputy Minister Kevin Finnerty and Director, Culture and Strategic Policy Branch, Dawn Landry, to;
- Present the findings in Bricks&Mortar, that supports and quantifies the need for investment in arts infrastructure from the province
- Remind MTCS that ArtsBuild is busy collecting facilities data that can/should be used in important processes like Culture Talks to inform funders
- Encourage future discussions moving forward on how this valuable data can be used collaboratively by the sector, to everyone’s benefit.