New Programs. New Opportunities to Connect.
2013 is our year of new – new programs, new opportunities for learning and exploration into topics that are important to all of us in the arts. Developed as a part of a two year initiative that brings together seven non-profit and private sector partners, our new offerings will help you build, manage, finance and learn about arts facilities more effectively. Our innovative delivery methods will connect you with industry experts and peers who’ve been there, done that.
Over the course of 2013, we will be introducing new tools, resources and services surrounding topics like capital projects, energy efficiency, ongoing facilities management, loan financing, project management and accessibility.
We’re popping up in new places; we’ve welcomed new members to our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn communities, and invite you to join the conversation on these platforms. In March we’ll be introducing our refreshed website and blog, redesigned to maximize both opportunities for interaction and knowledge sharing.
At the heart of this year’s work, we’ll be engaging you in a conversation surrounding sustainability and what it means for Ontario’s arts facilities. We’re framing everything we do through this lens, and will extend these ideas and approaches across issues of environment, finance and maintaining creative focus. In addition, we’ll share our ongoing advocacy surrounding arts facilities support, produce new original content and research and continue our role as instigators of partnerships. It’s going to be quite a year!
We invite your participation in our next stage of evolution. Stay tuned for more information on how and when you can get involved; we’ll begin introducing our new offerings in March, with additional new programs, services and tools launching every month. We look forward to involving you in our year of the new and invite your feedback at every stage – let us know what you think on our social media platforms, by phone, 519.880.3670, or email.
The ArtsBuild Ontario Team
Adele Dobkowski, Executive Director
Lindsay MacDonald, Program Director