After two years and ten communities, ArtsBuild has wrapped up our province-wide LEARN IT | BUILD IT | MANAGE IT workshop series, finishing in Pickering last month! The workshops were a huge success, with 234 participating arts administrators who learned more about building, financing, managing and engaging their community with their creative spaces. Participants came from different sectors across the non-profit landscape in Ontario, including social services, sacred spaces and community services.
What participants had to say about the workshop:
- “Amazing ground work for starting this journey. Each element was very helpful, especially the Community Engagement.”
- “Many lessons learned here, great session on Alternative Financing!”
- “The most important aspect is going into a major project armed with new knowledge.”
- “I will use the knowledge gained from this workshop to build critical relationships and ultimately take ‘ownership’ of the project.”

Every workshop produced new ideas and fresh collaborations for the organizations who attended the two day session. Thanks to all our community hosts and participants who joined us for the workshop! This workshop series acknowledged organizations province-wide needing additional expertise and knowledge especially during special projects such as renovations, new builds and capital campaigns. The interest in the workshop series demonstrated the need for ongoing professional development in the area of facilities for our arts organizations.