Where do you fit in?

After almost two months since introducing the ArtsBuild Facilities Census to arts organizations across the province, we’ve begun to make some progress in achieving our Census goal. To remind you, that’s collecting information about all arts facilities in Ontario – yes, all of them. From Kenora to North Bay to Leamington to Stratford to Perth to literally everywhere in between! Why are we doing this? Because this information matters!

ArtsBuild Ontario exists to advocate for arts facilities – the bricks and mortar that gives your organization a home. But in order to do this effectively, we need to learn more about what makes your facilities what they are and what they can be.

population-mdAre you a small gallery looking to breakout into your own space? We want to know more.

Are you a theatre group ready to lease permanent rehearsal space? We want to hear about it.

Are you a museum that needs to make room for more staff?   We want to learn about your plans.

And the Facilities Census is just the beginning; after all, this information has to live somewhere.


That’s where Bricks&Mortar comes in, aptly named for the database storing the information collected in the Census. No two organizations are the same and the buildings they’re housed in are no different. There is no one solution for facilities’ needs and no ‘one-size-fits-all’ plan to meet those needs. This is why it’s important all arts facilities are counted in our Census.

… And that’s why your participation is so critical in the Census. We encourage you to reach out to the ArtsBuild team with your questions about how your organization can get involved. Visit www.artsbuildontario.ca/bricksandmortar to BE COUNTED!