As you enter the design phase of your renovation, you may for the first time turn the bulk of the work over to a team of people outside your organization, including:
- Project Managers
- Architects
- Engineers, Consultants, and Contractors
All will bring their professional expertise to bear on the project you have established, and your job will become centered on adept decision-making, and the management of both your design team and of those within your organization.
Selecting the team of people that will help you realize your facilities vision is a complex undertaking that can seem daunting to arts organizations. A small-scale renovation can often be led by a management and architectural team already known to the organization.
Perhaps a patron or a board member has a relationship with an architect who would be interested in joining the project team. Bigger projects may want to interview several design teams, much in the way you would for a new construction project.
Owners beginning a design process should have an understanding of:
- the cast of characters involved
- and how to find them (RFPs and selection)
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